In 2011 the annual conference of the British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) was hosted at the University of Birmingham. The theme was ‘Composition and Decomposition’, an attempt to signal both the processes of production (artistic and industrial) and decline. The conference was held in the University’s Business School and ran from 1-3 September 2011. There were 117 speakers and 140 delegates; plenary lectures were from Herbert Tucker, Tracy Davis and Colin Cruise; and the conference finished with a plenary panel that featured a talk about ‘The Value of Victorian Studies’ from Shearer West with comments from Linda Bree, Regenia Gagnier and Sarah Parker. The conference was accompanied by an exhibition of objects from the University’s Cadbury Research Library that was curated by Nicola Gauld. The exhibition flyer is available here.
As far as a I know, this was the first BAVS conference to have a dedicated hashtag (#bavs11) and a lively discussion ensued online. I preserved the tweets with TwapperKeeper until it became part of HootSuite in January 2012. Using Martin Hawksey’s excellent Google Spreadsheet (following the instructions posted on his blog), I’ve exported the tweets into Google Docs and shared them here
Given that this post is archiving various things to do with the conference, I thought it might be a good place to host links to the conference program and poster too. The conference website hosted by the University of Birmingham is actually still up and running, but the bulk of material was hosted elsewhere. So:
- to view and download the conference prgram, click here
- to download the conference poster, click here
If there is anything else from the conference anyone would like made available then let me know.